My Passion


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SnowAngel's Passion

Thank you HâvèCÖçkWìllT®Àvël for making me this logo :)

My Passion, my hope, my will, my strength, what do they all mean? What is the definition of Passion? I have a passion of love, of music, of life, and of this strange, unsuspecting universe. I surrender myself to all my passions, to live in the shadows, too afraid to embrace myself with this wonderful dream. A dream of pure unrelenting love, passion bringing me to new heights. I feel as anyone would feel, I love as anyone would love, and yet still feel empty. My passion of music, drowning myself in words, sounds, the beauty of music. Music that touches my heart, and feeling it as though the words are mine. Never was a writer, so many ideas, and no idea how to put them into words. My passion of life, loving and living life to it's fullest. Never fear life, for it is in your hands. You have the power to make of it what you wish. Follow your guides, look into your soul, your mind, find your path. The path you choose, is the path you will follow for the rest of your life. Although you cannot change your path, you can improve upon it. My passion of the universe, strange, yet it is ours. We are all part of this place we call "earth" This place, where racism, hatred, and jealousy have overcome us. Taken over our power to release ourselves from the pressure. I dream of living in the perfect world. A world of no pain, hate, jealousy, a "perfect" world. Knowing in my heart, it will never happen. I can only do my part to make this my world.

What is passion? It is surely the becoming of a person. Are we not, for most of our lives, marking time? Most of our being is at rest, unlived. In passion, the body and the spirit seek expression outside of self. Passion is all that is other from self. Sex is only interesting when it releases passion. The more extreme and the more expressed that passion is, the more unbearable does life seem without it. It reminds us that if passion dies or is denied, we are partly dead and that soon, come what may, we will be wholly so.~ John Boorman ~

If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace, but we would be hollow;
Empty rooms, shuddered and dark...
Wihout passion, we'd truly be dead.

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