Passion Poems


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Essence of Passion

I remember glancing up and seeing you there so radiant, lips glowing and eyes petulant and challenging, hair cascading, tinged with red, instantly hardening me, as I stood there before you. Your mouth, a beacon of love, framed with a pout and teased with the tip of your tongue flashed before you laughed and smiled. Damn, how I remember that night you set my soul afire.

Stepping out of the cabin, as we went to the lodge for dinner, that first soft kiss we shared, where you whispered softly into my ear, I want your love tonight ready! and the teasing giggle you let took all my reserve to hold back. And when halfway there, where you stopped under the large tree, reached under your dress slipped off your lace panties and handed them to me, saying, here Dear, I won't be needing these tonight. Hold them for me? Damn, how I remember that night you set my soul afire.

Sitting at the table in the corner, waves from the surf pounding the rock cliffs and the beach below with Nature's passion, a backdrop to your expectations later painted, we ate. Salad and light fare, lovers preparing for ahead, as we looked and touched one another, oblivious to the others sitting there midst the candles and soft music wafting o'er head. And dessert, where you fed me slices of mango and kiwi, each piece, as you locked eyes with mine, dipped between your legs and flavoured, then eaten, a teasing taste of your essence. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

Done, we left to return to our nest, holding hands and walking, measuring the distance not with steps, but rather kisses. Tempting and yeilding, hungry and yearning, your mouth so devouring as you touched me low, soliciting a gasp from me. My hands caressing and grazing your face and neck, a touch enflaming your fury. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

I still feel the sizzle of those snowflakes, which seared as they drifted slowly down onto our hot faces, vapours warming the crisp mountain air like the sweat of lovers. And those soft strokes of my fingers on your back, dancing and tracing hearts ever lower, and writng with my middle finger letters, slowly --- I W a n t Y o u.
Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

In the cabin, candles lit and flickering, the scent of cinnamin touching my spirit as it rose with the heated oil. And then you came to me and slowly stripped away my dignity, as you removed every piece of clothing I wore. Aroused , you made me watch as you slowly undressed, revealing yourself to me in loveshadows, soft and supple and ripe. Damn how I remember that night you set my soul afire.

Then you raised your finger and waved it at me and harkened me nearer.
You smiled as you held up a breast and offered it too me, the bud beginning to harden, as my lips brushed over the nipple and the tip of my tongue met your skin. Full and firm, the softness of the underside against my face, you took pleasure in nursing me your lover, and felt the tremours surge thru your viens. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

Moaning and on the verge of losing control your pushed me away and sank to you knees and tasted me, tongue lapping and licking as your fingers danced thru my hair and soflty ticckled my balls. Loving the control you felt, you mouthed me and sucked and teased me closer, one hand gripping and kneading my ass, while the other pressed on that tendon behind my pearls, spurring me to new heights. Damn , how I remember that night you set my soul afire.

Passion roiled thru my body, and knowing you stopped as I groaned, a guttural cry rushing from within me. And then you lay back upon the down covered bed, covered with rose petals, and spread your self and said, let me touch myself while you calm Lover. And you did. Damn, how I remember the night you set my Soul afire.

Your hands danced across you breasts, pulling and twisting and circling each stiffening nub, and then moved lower and drew near the moistness where they swam in and out as you stroked each lip and rune your fingers up to your clitoris and moaned, and called my name saying taste me , God tongue me there. And so I did. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

Sweet and tangy, echoes of fruit , I feasted mouth and tongue in rapture, as every nerve there was touched, licked, and stroked with both fingers and tongue. Your dew filling my mouth as time after time you'd cum. Licking your slit and lower to you ass , probing and smiling, when you gasped. The memory of you taste is still with me. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

Heightend and wanting more we crawled, while kissing, to the balcony , and shared a sip of port, as we stepped into the hot tub there, a setting so remote. Candles mimmicking our molten lust, the sight of Nature teasing us, we settled down to love agin. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

Looking out to the ocean's churning rhythm, I sat as you straddled me, both of us facing forward. I kissed your back, as you arched and plunged down onto my shaft, as my hands reached around and touched you in places old, and those you never knew existed. Up and down, with gyrations, you took me then as you had needed it all your life. And when you came as I spurted deep within. you tightened and screamed into the night, oh yes fuck me yes, till you sank back down and nestled. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

That night of passion shared, unending, feasting and loving again and again in our bed, I tasted the cocktail of our love from your
lips, spread there before me. And shared it with you, as we continued our loving till the new day dawned. Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.

Looking back, amazed and contented, it pleases me to know, that I had
taken that chance and spoken to you, afraid you might say no. But here we are as lovers still, as we meet at this great place. To love again, unbrideled passion, and laughter shared with grace. I'm hard again at the thought of how once more we will love, and never tire.
Damn, how I remember the night you set my soul afire.



The house was and sensuality on edge, anticipation of pleasure cutting thru the candlelight and sweet aromas, a gift oF passion drifting in the air... knowing that soon you would be there.

Damn, I am glad you're here with me tonight. Yeah, that's right , it is your night to be loved and pampered ...and sigh. Here, let me begin by slowly undressing you here by the fire. Sandals slipped away, each foot rubbed and caressed ...drawing blood and warmth to the soles of each foot and beyond. Hands glide up the each side of a leg, fingertips sliding over the silk stocking ...up,,, yeah way up to the garters nimbly undone fingers linger and dance lightly over the panel of your lace panties, before lowering and slowly slipping the stocking down your leg and off....pausing to bring the silk to my face and luxuriate in the soft touch and smell. Setting it aside and again slowly teasing the other stocking from your limb, and in time pulling it away form my face. Unzipping your skirt and smiling as I watch the leather slowly fall revealing your torso, ripe and moist before me. Rising off my knees, I find the buttons in the front of your silk blouse and teasing, bend down and undo each button with my mouth, hinting at your pleasure in the offing. Hands slip the blouse from your shoulders, flushed and warm from the passion blood therein. God you're beautiful standing there, lace panties and half- bra, breasts firm and beckoning for attention. Deftly, the clasp in between undone, the bra slides to the floor, as a smile of whimsy passes across your face. Hands looping thru the waist of you panties, and sliding down slowly over hips and buttocks and thighs my face at the level seeing a flower near ripe before my eyes. Feeling you lift one foot, then the other, the lace now removed and brought quickly to my face to inhale and with my tongue tasting , as i flick softly at the crotch.

Naked before me, I lead you to the bath drawn for you --- water hot, bubbles catching the light of candle flames dancing in the dark, pink rose petals drifting on the surface, revealing the passion to follow. Into the water, sinking down and soaking , sipping wine as the music of flutes and strings paint the background of the night. A sponge ...loofah soaked and then rubbed gently over each part of your body, scented soap and bathoil smoothing the way for hands that yearn to do mush more. and the the clefts and crevasses caressed and washed, inside and out, as you gasp and lay there panting legs slightly spread. Clean, skin flushed, you soak a while, as your imagination runs wild and free.

As you rest, aroused....I ensure the thick, down quilt upon the bed in the loft is fluffed and ready to envelope you, rose petals of yellow for friendship and red for love sprinkled like snow over top, waiting to be touched and warmed by you when you lie upon the bed. Grasping a large fluffy towel I return to the bath, and dry your slowly as you exit, the silkiness of your skin pinkened and soft a sight to behold breast firm and saluting the moon, you mound bare and inviting, and your smile captivating my soul. Dried and yet still moist where it counts you let me lead you to the bed.

Lying down upon it, rose petals kissing your skin, you settle relaxed, yet expecting, no yearning for more. Reaching for our oil, flavoured with raspberry, I pour some into my hands...and rub them together to warm the oil to your body's heat. Hands over you now, neck and scalp prodded and worked as my fingers and palms prance there, and then slide to your shoulders and sides working e'er so lower. Waist and hips and outer thighs and calves then massaged, saving your feet. Each foot raised abd covered with oils and rubbed, soles and heals rejoicing, as my mouth works elsewhere, licking and sucking and twirling my tongue round each toe.

Roll over I ask, and as you do, you *giggle* as I first kiss , then lick and than massage more oil; onto your backside. First leading with my mouth, as my hot breath and wet tongue licks and touches every bit of skin. At the top of you long legs pausing, and then lapping, using long, languid tongue strokes ..up and thru the crack and teasing probing the treasures you moan and arch, body wanting more. Done, and rising , each globe of your ass inviting kisses and squeezes, and warm oil i continue all the way up your back, tongue stopping to trace a heart first, and then drawing moist letters inside ... I L o v e Y o u.

Your body tingling, trembling, now afire, I touch your shoulder as you shudder, and then watch you turn around. And then you dazzle my eyes with your wanton pose, my ears tuning forks to your whispers. Long deep kisses ensue, as our lips lock and shiver, emotion raw, tied to the churning of love inside. Straddling over you,, hard and erect, you grin ... pleased that I am heated for you, and knowing this is just your night. Oiled hands caress and capture each breast...nipples rolled and gently, then firmly pulled. You gasp and cum as i lean down and suckle one, then the other. Nipples hard and pointed, my hand and lips journey lower, tummy and vulva touched like a feather, and kissed like the ocean waves do the shore. Again surprized at the bareness presented to me, you having prepared the night fingers dart to your lips amd linger there, while my mouth touches, then devours your outer lips, slick with juices pouring freely from within. Hands working your muscles , as your body responds, I gently mouth and suck your clit, as waves upon waves rush forth to carry you away, adrift in a sea of orgasms.

Satiated, wet and drowsy, you settle into the softness of the bed. and comfy, hold ny head there between your legs, where throughout the night, I sip and taste the essence of your love, whenever you stir in any way, as I dream of pleasing you, forever and a day.




Was giving some thought to passion and came upon a thought or two
that though perhaps not the fashion of the net, seemed to makes
sense to this soul, who has found love, lost it, and found love

Passion surrounds us like an octopus, with many tentacles to grasp
our heart and soul, massaging faith and ego as a pressure and fire
is built within. Cups that firmly grip our being, and then suction
understanding, caring, feeling and fears from deep beneath our skin.

Passion feels at all levels of being. The best of ears, that hear
the spaces, where the important things never said, yet they understand, share ,and welcome the turmoil therein. Compassion, the sense that we are worth something, even if left alone we would drown in the sea of our inadequacies. And Empathy, to be able to feel deep inside the pain and fear of one close, needing and gladly sharing the burden. Faith, that mystical facet that simple believes in me , so that no matter how much I mess up my life, there is one who is there with me cleaning it up wiith a smile and a hug. Arousal , that
excitement in doing what pleases me just because ... I am me. God yes,
then Humour, the unique ability to both laugh at my sorry jokes, and
to be able to make me chuckle despite my mood.

Passion is a kaleidoscope. Colours of Life and Love meshing on me,
and pictures painted in the screen I call my soul. Yellows for
friendship, Pink for those times of heat, White that accepts the
purity within my heart, that aspect within me that I hide so well
from others. Black too, for the dark times when I ache and cry
for ones lost or hurt or gone. Sonia, that coral, peach tone
that can warm and soothe my spirit when if left unchecked, would
churn and erupt. And of course Red, the element of unconditional
love for me, that would carry me along the sands of time, forever
and a day, just to share the journey.

Passion is emotional. Hot and steamy , not from just sex, but sex
that is fueled by a heart and soul set afire, meaning and depth
required. Joy, at knowing in an instant the warmth of comfort as I
awaken alone those nights, hugging your pillow , while you're
away; or in finding myself doodling your name in the midst of a
meeting. God, yeah! Faith in knowing who I am, despite the crude
and viscous comments others might make...and the wisdom to simply
trust in me, no matter what. Hope-filled, passion is the sharing of
dreams and aspirations with fervor and drive, that the world shall
be impacted, and made a better place by two. And then there's
Grace, how it is carried to and through our hearts, not in a
manner that is socially correct, but rather one that mirrors
honour and dignity and respect.

Passion makes sense. The smell of fear , arousal, and love flares
in our nostrils, empowering us to act. Seeing, words and looks,
connect out souls together. and Sound, how your voice is heard in
a crowd, that laugh, moan, or whisper that inflames and throws
gasoline onto the fire in my heart. Oh man, how you Talk, and
motivate me, singing songs to brand me, yours for life. And Touch,
that fingertip tracing love letters on my back as i sleep, or the
touch on a cheek or the feel of you next to me dancing out on the
floor, or in a mor intimate setting.

Passion is a primeaval force, a match for survial, creation, or
nurturing. It has at times logic , and at others none; with
reason, but sometimes no rhyme; and is gratifying, without
demeaning. Passion separates us from animals, in our ability to
have fondness, long after the lust has passed. Simply, Passion
causes orgasms whether sex was involved or not.

It is the differnce in being alive and loved. And I call her x.



sleek and wet, your essence paints my nights
as your lips of love whisper for me
to kiss and caress and fondle with love
hot and moist, beckoning to me you call
and say, hot damn but you make my night
love me please and pleasure me hon

and i do, loving you settle and sear your soul
and in kissing you and touching your lips
u are loved and cherished , as i sip

of your nectar and feeling , they enter my heart
my love and your, a whole made form parts
for we grow in out love as we lay in arms

that were meant to show passion and dignity too
as aman who loves and honours you
forever and a day, thru eternity

Harvest Flower

i feel a breast pressing against my soul, full and aroused
as songs echo off the tuning forks within my heart
rosebud nipples piercing and melting my reserve,
begging to be suckled and nursed , life giving to me, searing nerves.

dampness, flowing onto me, arousing and hardening
please i beg, rise up and let me taste you, while straddling
my face, i look up and see your flower , petals spreading
as your hands reach down and part the lips, settling

flood my tongue , please drown me in the fluids that nourish
and renew my spirit, yearning, and a heat in me to love,
to please you and myself, as your cleft is licked till the pearl
within is circled, gasps of joy erupting in time with your passion

your taste empowering, as your essence washes my tongue
sweetness flowing time and time again, as you cum
moist lips and clitoris rubbing until you are done
where upon you lay beside me, kissing me some

and resting till you are again once afire
and burning , seek to fill your desire'as you mount
and ravage me, my volcano erupts, torched in a pyre
we are one , as we lay united, and joined, one till we tire.

in the midst of the night, passion a dream
i am no saint , though and angel you seem
to be here awaiting my awakening
where once again i feast from your cream

love travels in circles, spun round our hearts'
strands of memories and umspoiled passion that starts
the fires within two souls burning
i wish for a life of love like this churning

oral, yeah i know you like that, and more i have seen
how you moisten and glistened over top of me
as you give me your love, passion unfurled
and tease me and feed me and please my whole being.

i know it is you i want, for the rest of my life.