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Ok This is the page I am dedicating to myself, to my true self. I am the same online as I am offline. Although some people might disagree. But all the same, I have a great personality on or off, and a great attitude. My real name is Patricia, I do not like to be called Pat, or Patty. Most everyone calls me Trish, or Trisha. I am 27 years old, b-day is 8/27/73. I live in the upper midwest, namely Wisconsin. Brrrr and it is cold here. lol
I have no pets, I don't like cats (allergic), and I love dogs. Ok, I can put up with the cats, just can't touch them. I love the outdoors, in the winter I like to ski, sled with my two beautiful boys, and ice skate. In the summer, I enjoy, hiking, camping, and going to the beach. But only ever been to the beaches in Florida. :0) lol
I am 5'9, red hair (dyed of course), but you didn't hear that. I have hazel eyes, that can see deep into your soul :o). Ok, I know i'm pushing it lol. I am very outgoing, not afraid to speak my mind (which has gotten me into trouble a few times), also witty, somewhat intelligent *giggle*, and I have a great sense of humor. What more could a guy want?? hehe Just kidding. I am a big flirt online, and even bigger one offline. hehe unless of course I am with someone, then I can flirt with them .LOL I have 7 piercings.....hehe sorry guys they are all in my ears. But ummmm not for long. *wink* I have no tatts, cos I am afraid lol. Go figure huh? Tis me the scaredy cat of ink and needles lmao. But hell yah pierce me anywhere. hehe I am a great listener and try to be the best friend that I can be. I have been stepped on a few times and walked over, but thanks to those that did that cos it just makes me a better person. Anyway, enough about my pathetic lil life. *giggle* As most of you know I live at freehell, *sigh* But not for long. Yipppeeeee I am going to cut back, it's like a bad habit going there. A habit I need to cut back on lol. Well thank you for taking the time to read through this. *waving to everyone* Time to move on to the next page. hehe
